The club will hold an inspection day when the inspection ramp will be open for TSOAQ club members to drive their vehicles onto the ramp so that the underside components can be checked.
Note this day is for a visual inspection only, time will not be available for service or maintenance. The VCCQ who own the premises have placed a number of rules on the ramp use so all club members intending to take advantage of the inspection will need to read and sign an indemnity form and follow the instructions of the Ramp Supervisor or delegates during the inspection procedures.
A BBQ will be organised at lunch time for all club members, whether attending the inspection day or just coming along to enjoy a chat or pass on their knowledge.
For the purposes of catering and organising the day can members advise Mike Taylor if they intend to present their car for inspection or just partake of the BBQ.
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Events listed in the Events Calendar are officially sanctioned club events