Brisbane Monthly Drive
Postponed due to aftermath of cyclone Alfred
Our run for March will take us to the rural Bottletree Pub at Glamorgan Vale, which is located between the Warrego Hwy and Lowood.
Our starting point is The Reserve Cafe at Anstead, situated on the corner of Mount Crosby and Hawkesbury Roads. Anstead. We have a booking for 9.30am, departing at 10.15.
A very scenic and lovely country drive will take us through Mt Crosby, Rosewood, Grandchester, Laidley and Forest Hill. We will then cross back over the highway (via a safe flyover) and on to Brightview, Lowood and then to the Bottle Tree Pub.
Lunch is booked for 12.30.
Numbers are required, so please advise either Mike Taylor email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Text 0418 983 098, or Peter Connor 0448 224 778 if you are coming and how many.
Detailed directions for the drive will be provided closer to the day
Regards Mike
Details will be advised later
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